Purple Sandpipers at Rossall Point

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A Sunday morning trip to Rossall Point to catch up with a few “year-ticks”, in particular Purple Sandpiper before they head off for the summer. High tide was at 12:30 so I headed over at 10:30 to be on site around 11. After parking in the free car park I walked over onto the beach to be overwhelmed by the sheer number of dog walkers and dogs. It wasn’t long before I saw a few Ringed Plovers being flushed from the shoreline but they seemed to settle again a further along. I decided to walk south where there were less people and dogs and one or two other birders.

The disturbance of the waders from dogs was unrelenting with birds not able to spend a few seconds before the next hound came along. I think most dog walkers have absolutely no idea the level of disturbance they are causing – one even walked right across the beach in front of me flushing a flock on Sanderling that I was attempting to photograph before casually wandering up to me to ask what they were without a hint of embarrassment, apology or even awareness! It’s not all dog-walkers – some are considerate and do give the birds a wide birth especially if they see you watching them, but they are sadly a minority. I’m sure it’s largely ignorance because in my experience when you explain the impact dog disturbance has on wildlife most dog owners are genuinely surprised as they simply are unaware (members of my family being a good example).

Despite the dogs I did get some great views of the waders including the target bird.

Waders present were Purple Sandpiper, Sanderling, Dunlin, Turnstone and Ringed Plover. all duly added to the year-list along with Great-black-backed gull. A tight flock of Wigeon sat offshore but I couldn’t see any Common Scoter. Some distant Eider and Oystercatchers were visible on the rocks with a few Cormorant.

A worthwhile if somewhat dispiriting excursion.

Purple Sandpiper, Calidris maritima, Rossall Point, Lancashire
Purple Sandpiper, Calidris maritima, Rossall Point, Lancashire
Sanderling, Calidris alba, Rossall Point, Lancashire
Dunlin, Calidris alpina, Rossall Point, Lancashire


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