Went for a walk down to the Ribble at Osbaldestion with Jeanette. The weather was exceptionally mild with temperatures reaching the mid teens in the early afternoon sun. It felt like an early Spring day rather than the middle of winter. It wasn’t perhaps surprising then that I saw my first bees of the year – several honeybees gaining some form of sustenance from the grains in a pheasant feeder.
There was also a conspicious beetle on a bare stem by the river which I believe to be a leaf beetle.
On the river there was at least one and probably two Little Egrets and three Little Grebes with the abundant Mallards. A Grey Wagtail was also present and a buzzard was mewing overhead intermittently.
Other birds included Woodpigeon, Great-spotted Woodpecker, Bullfinch, Chaffinch, Redwing, Great, Blue and Coal Tits, Blackbird, Dunnock, Robin, Jay, Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Meadow Pipit, several gulls overhead including Black-headed, Herring and Lesser-black backed