Jan 2, 2012

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Lunch at the in-laws in Blackpool this morning, which just happens to be within 3 miles of the Tundra Bean Geese on Lytham Moss.  On arrival in Blackpool I was relieved to note that I had “accidentally” left my scope and bins in the car – how fortunate! Half an hour later Tundra Bean Goose was my first Lancashire tick of the year and as I was back at the table for lunch.

 The geese were at the back of the a field close to the road-side and adjacent to the runway landing lights of Blackpool airport.  The first thing I noticed was the Pink Foot as its lighter blue-grey back stood out amongst the Beans.  The light was excellent and I enjoyed several minutes of full power x60 views of these scarce Lancashire visitors, getting excellent view of the plumage and bare parts.  An approaching aircraft flushed the geese which then gave brief flight views before circling round and landing in the same spot.

A good start to the New Year bird list.

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