Odonata are now in evidence at Dean Clough.
03 June
Common Blue damselfly -Enallagma cyathigerum 10+
Four-spotted Chaser – Libellula quadrimaculatta 2 min. This is a new site record according to the Lancashire dragonfly atlas -surely a case of under-recording rather than recent colonisation.
On June 1st a Wall Brown was on the path by the gorse bush above the upper res. There are still plenty of green-veined white and Orange tip on the wing.
Bird wise. The Stonechat pair were around the upper res on the 1st but with no confirmed evidence of breeding yet. An adult and two juvenille Grey Wagtail were on Dean Brook. Green Woodpecker was also in Dean Brook wood.
A Little ringed plover was on Upper Parsonage on the 3rd June, where there is now plenty of exposed mud due to the prolonged dry spell.