
Several hoverflies in the garden today availing of the now abundant nectar sources, including Rhingia Campestris.  Hoverflies are important pollinators and predators of aphids. Rhingia Campestris Rhingia Campestris

Moths at last

posted in: garden wildlife, moths, spring | 0

The incessant cold weather and strong easterly winds that have been ever present for most of the last couple of months have meant no mothing in the garden.  The trap did go out on a couple of occasions on mild … Continued

Frog chorus

posted in: amphibians, frogs, garden wildlife, pond | 0

I counted over 40 frogs in the pond today and about 20 lots of spawn.  About three or four weeks later than usual but better late than never.  The sound of the frogs croaking (singing?) was an absolute delight when … Continued