Several hoverflies in the garden today availing of the now abundant nectar sources, including Rhingia Campestris. Hoverflies are important pollinators and predators of aphids. Rhingia Campestris Rhingia Campestris
Several hoverflies in the garden today availing of the now abundant nectar sources, including Rhingia Campestris. Hoverflies are important pollinators and predators of aphids. Rhingia Campestris Rhingia Campestris
The butterflies are late this year, just like everything else in the garden. In previous years, orange-tips, small whites and green-veined whites have all been seen by now, but this year there have been none. The first butterflies to appear … Continued
The incessant cold weather and strong easterly winds that have been ever present for most of the last couple of months have meant no mothing in the garden. The trap did go out on a couple of occasions on mild … Continued
I counted over 40 frogs in the pond today and about 20 lots of spawn. About three or four weeks later than usual but better late than never. The sound of the frogs croaking (singing?) was an absolute delight when … Continued
I was late taking Annie to school today because at 8:30 this morning a roe deer walked across the field belonging to the neighbour right up to our garden. I fired off the photo below from the bedroom window before … Continued
The pond I dug over the winter is starting to pay off. This month has seen the first damselfly in the garden – a large red damselfly. Common maybe, but still a garden first and very attactive into the bargain. … Continued