I’ve spent a quite a few days in the Bowland Fells this month getting off the beaten track. I’ve been encouraged by the numbers of raptors that I’ve seen with regular sightings of peregrine, hen harrier, merlin and buzzard (can’t say where exactly for obvious reasons). It also good to seen ravens increasing in Bowland, due no doubt to lower levels of persecution. I do wonder what the success of the raptors and ravens will mean for other moorland birds; there are no ring ouzels in the white greet area for example (although they are doing ok in other areas) and a regular quarry nest site in area is now occupied by ravens but with the ring ouzels absent for the first time in years. Could be chance, but maybe not.
This gorgeous whinchat and raven were both in the White Greet area. The grey wagtail and green hairstreak were at Cross of Greeet Bridge.