First Migrant Hawker at Dean Clough

7 September 2023

Exceptionally warm weather with temperatures exceeding 25°C on each of the last four days has meant good conditions for butterflies and dragonflies. I had a new species of dragonfly at Dean Clough with a Migrant Hawker on the 7th which was only the second site record following one in August 2019 and is my eleventh species here. Other odonata were Brown and Common Hawkers and Common Blue Damselfly.


Migrant Hawker

A few dragonflies were bombing around the upper reservoir during the afternoon and the blue hawkers I initially put down as Common’s having not previously seen a Migrant here. After a few attempts at a picture I eventually got lucky with the one below, by pre-focussing where I expected the insect to stop and hover. This needed some patience though! There were probably two or three blue hawkers but I can’t be certain they were all Migrant, however size-wize they were all similar so more likely the smaller Migrant Hawker rather than the larger Common.

Migrant Hawker, Aeshna mixta
Migrant Hawker at Dean Clough upper reservoir
Common Darter, Sympetrum streolatum
Common Darter in the fields above Dean Clough


Five species of butterfly were also seen: Comma, Red Admiral, Speckled Wood, Small White, Small Tortoiseshell. Many Red Admirals were moving south and there were good numbers of Speckled Wood. Of two whites one was confirmed as a Small White.

Comma, Polygonia c-album
Comma on Blackberries


There were more birds evident that on recent visits with noted increase in Meadow Pipits. A wheatear was my first of the autumn and a juvenile Peregrine which passed low overhead heading towards Parsonage was my first here this year. Seven Stonechats included a family of four with 2 recently fledged young. The Stonechats here have had at least two and possibly three broods representing another good year. A decent total of 22 species was recorded.

Blue Tit, present

Great Crested Grebe, present

Siskin, 2

Skylark, 4

Goldfinch, 10

Kestrel, 1

Carrion Crow, present

Jay, 1

Wheatear, 1

The Wheatear on the path above the lower reservoir

Herring Gull, present

Wren, present

Tufted Duck, 1

Peregrine, 1

Stonechat, 7 including two recently fledge young. All seven were in around the upper res in two groups of 4 and 3

Linnet, 6

Grey Heron, 1

Woodpigeon, present

Meadow Pipit, 10

Chiffchaff, 1

Black-headed Gull, present

Magpie, present

Lesser Black-backed Gull, present

Swallow, present

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